Thursday, 29 December 2011

MMHC Fungus Fest (5)

The Genus Laccaria

could be Laccaria laccata
 - Lackluster Laccaria

Lackluster  【形】活気のない、元気のない、艶のない、パッとしない

edible, but careful for identification


"It is so vexingly variable in the size", MD says

Yes it is true!

lacc- : paint

Wednesday, 28 December 2011

MMHC Fungus Fest (4)

Entoloma abortivum - Aborted Entoloma

きのこ of きのこ
Parasitic on species of Armillaria

widely distributed east of the Rocky Mountains

Dr. Jeckyll with pink spores (left) and Mr. Hyde (right)

天敵Pink Entoloma也ョ


Entoloma abortivum is the parasite (left) and Armillaria mellea the victim (right)

They are known to be edible

but their appearances, especially Mr. Hyde, did not stimulate my appetite

A interesting article in

Tuesday, 27 December 2011

MMHC Fungus Fest (3)

Armillaria mellea - honey mushroom

They are pathogenic and parasitic on the wood of hardwoods

So, if you find them in your yard, lets pick them up and not spread their spores

We find them in woods

Just beautiful




I regret that I forgot my SLR in LA

My smartphone helps me taking pictures though

Monday, 26 December 2011

MMHC Fungus Fest (2)

As soon as we arrive the conference site,

Pg asks me
これ なあに ? ぬめぬめ~

Wow!  Tons of slippery mushrooms with yellow sponge are by the parking lot

Suillus luteus (Slippery Jack)

The sponge is removed and saute with butter

Amazing !

dense butyraceous mushroom taste !!

Sunday, 25 December 2011

MMHC Fungus Fest (1)

MMHC Fungus Fest 2011
September 23 - 25

The World‘s Greatest Pot-Luck と食後のWhite Elephant Auctionが楽しみ!

Schedule of events:

FRIDAY – September 23
2:00 pm - Hunt on grounds (meet at River Hawk Lodge at end of the road)
6:30 pm - Dinner ($6.00) Dearborn Smoked Ham, Stuffed Cabbage, Broccoli beef, Bacon Wrapped Mini Wiener, Potato Salad, Croissants, Cookies, Milk & Coffee
7:45 pm - Growing Mushrooms by Chris Wright of Easy Grow Mushrooms

SATURDAY – September 24
7:00 am - Breakfast - ($2.00 donation) Biscuits & Gravy, Blueberry Hot Cakes, Scrambled Eggs, Ham, Sweet Rolls, Orange Juice, Coffee, Milk
9:15 and 9:30 am - Forays (hunts)
9:15 am - Beginner‘s session (slideshows about mushrooms and mushroom identification)
10:30 am - Beginner‘s hunt at Powers Beach
12:00 pm - Lunch (bring your own, refrigeration available)
1:00 pm - Foray
3:00 to 4:30 pm - Mushroom Identification
4:30 pm - John Pischke III presentation
6:00 pm - The World‘s Greatest Pot-Luck (refrigeration available)
7:30 pm - White Elephant Auction. Bring mushroom kitsch, tchotchkes, books, dried mushrooms etc. for us to sell

SUNDAY – September 25
7:00 am - Breakfast - ($2.00 donation) Biscuits & Gravy, Blueberry Hot Cakes, Scrambled Eggs, Ham, Sweet Rolls, Orange Juice, Coffee, Milk
8:30 am - Clean up, review of specimens and disposal of collections
10:00 am - Survivors morning hunt

Saturday, 24 December 2011

Ann Arbor Arboretum (3)

On 9/23/11, MI
time goes by
I met them about 3 months ago...

Beautiful slimy Pink-cap Princesses
in woods

Did you know? Pg's most favorite color is pink.

"It is closest to the Russula gracilis group, but hard to tell without seeing the specimens and their spores, etc.  The Audubon Guide states that they are only in the east, but Mushrooms Demystified lists them in California, on P.99 in the latest edition."  Sandy

Hum! I see

Thank you very much Sandy for the identification !!

I had never seen pink viscid cap Russula
in SoCal

so excited

gracil-: gracile (slender, thin)

Monday, 19 December 2011

Ann Arbor Arboretum (2)

Good shape Agaricus!


brown patch on the cap

very close gills with a pretty skirt

The stem is like a leg of antelope

Agaricus subrufescens ? not sure

Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Ann Arbor Arboretum

Two Chikens of the woods

The chickens are
much bigger than Pg

Compared with the Southern California's one which is Laetiporus gilbertsonii ,
the blades of Laetiporus sulphureus are thinner

Saturday, 3 December 2011


On late September 2011,
Lunch @ Zingerman's Deli

#83 Eric’s “Porta-mato-licious”

Grilled portabello mushrooms marinated in a savory vinaigrette, oven-dried tomato spread & baby spinach on farm bread.


Then, on our way home, stinkhorn's eggs are found

could be
Phallus hadriani

I wanted to come back, but no chance... pity

He took a photo of one of them later !

Yes they are
Phallus impudics

phallus: rod, phallus

Thursday, 1 December 2011

Telluride 2011 (14)

What are they ? I found them by chance

The color and the shape are so cool !

Yes they are reputed Lichen !!

It is my first time to look into them !!!

After arriving home, the Lichen and my mushrooms (not known as edible ones) are boiled


So many muckworms........

then filtered more using coffee maker

Warm the yarn (white),
dip it into the mushroom reagent (brown, looks like a soba noodle)
and add mordant (! GREEN !)

This is so fun !

brownish green yarn !

Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Telluride 2011 (13)

In the town
seasonal fungi dishes are treating us

Chanterelle with halibut
@ La Cocina de Luz

Candy Cap Icecream @ Sunshine Daydream

the winner Lewis
at the mushroom cook off
in this year

Paul Stamet's life box are filled with my mushrooms :)

Beautiful evening, wonderful days

Monday, 28 November 2011

Telluride 2011 (12)

This is where we stayed

Agaricus amicosus
we tasted it at the CYOM

scaly cap

Colorado Agaricus !

does not stain yellow
does stain red
smells good

Friday, 25 November 2011

Telluride 2011 (11)

We are waiting for rain



Pg finds the one

This is the only one we find
 in this year

I am proud of you, my Mdog !

baby Boletus edulis

Last year
we found them everywhere
 and we were mad

And also this is the only one amerimuscaria in this year

I feel that
their season just started

If I could stay here one more week !
oh pity me !

Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Telluride 2011 (10)


Can you see
thousands and millions of
Cantharellus cibarius ?

Can you imagine
huge, scattered golden patch ?

Wooooooowf !  PuuuuuuuurrrR !!

a bit smaller than I imagined
cutest ever!!

猫の手を借りたい is that we wished the small creature helps us

I am happy to have
twitch of my thumb's muscles

夢の饗宴 !

Thank you Anna for sharing your amazing spots with us!
We are delighted to be with you
   and hopefully next year, too

Monday, 21 November 2011

Telluride 2011 (9)

They are our welcome mushroom in the festival

welcome mushroom:
one who meets us in the first

one who we meet in the first

beautiful scaly Pholiota

Pholiota squarrosa

They look delicious to me

Although I could not smell them (as always), they should smell distinctive-like a cross between garlic and lemon

squarros-: squarrose (with upright scales, rough, scurfy)

Sunday, 20 November 2011

Telluride 2011 (8)

At growing session, Graham and James demonstrated how to clone wild ones

Our populinus is volunteering :)

What a cool their hand-made hood is! 
So impressed

The first week
some bacteria were noticed
a month later
small oysters are on the plate (won)!!!!!

How amazing they are


Pieces are inoculated to the second plate

start growing successfully
on the antibiotics plate

without antibiotics, bacteria again....

Thank you Graham and James
They are kept growing in Los Angeles as of 11/20/2011
(Yes, the oysters say that they like Hollywood)