Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Telluride 2011 (13)

In the town
seasonal fungi dishes are treating us

Chanterelle with halibut
@ La Cocina de Luz

Candy Cap Icecream @ Sunshine Daydream

the winner Lewis
at the mushroom cook off
in this year

Paul Stamet's life box are filled with my mushrooms :)

Beautiful evening, wonderful days

Monday, 28 November 2011

Telluride 2011 (12)

This is where we stayed

Agaricus amicosus
we tasted it at the CYOM

scaly cap

Colorado Agaricus !

does not stain yellow
does stain red
smells good

Friday, 25 November 2011

Telluride 2011 (11)

We are waiting for rain



Pg finds the one

This is the only one we find
 in this year

I am proud of you, my Mdog !

baby Boletus edulis

Last year
we found them everywhere
 and we were mad

And also this is the only one amerimuscaria in this year

I feel that
their season just started

If I could stay here one more week !
oh pity me !

Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Telluride 2011 (10)


Can you see
thousands and millions of
Cantharellus cibarius ?

Can you imagine
huge, scattered golden patch ?

Wooooooowf !  PuuuuuuuurrrR !!

a bit smaller than I imagined
cutest ever!!

猫の手を借りたい is that we wished the small creature helps us

I am happy to have
twitch of my thumb's muscles

夢の饗宴 !

Thank you Anna for sharing your amazing spots with us!
We are delighted to be with you
   and hopefully next year, too

Monday, 21 November 2011

Telluride 2011 (9)

They are our welcome mushroom in the festival

welcome mushroom:
one who meets us in the first

one who we meet in the first

beautiful scaly Pholiota

Pholiota squarrosa

They look delicious to me

Although I could not smell them (as always), they should smell distinctive-like a cross between garlic and lemon

squarros-: squarrose (with upright scales, rough, scurfy)

Sunday, 20 November 2011

Telluride 2011 (8)

At growing session, Graham and James demonstrated how to clone wild ones

Our populinus is volunteering :)

What a cool their hand-made hood is! 
So impressed

The first week
some bacteria were noticed
a month later
small oysters are on the plate (won)!!!!!

How amazing they are


Pieces are inoculated to the second plate

start growing successfully
on the antibiotics plate

without antibiotics, bacteria again....

Thank you Graham and James
They are kept growing in Los Angeles as of 11/20/2011
(Yes, the oysters say that they like Hollywood)

Saturday, 19 November 2011

Telluride 2011 (7)

We walk through Aspen forests 

Wow Aspen Oyster!

Pleurotus populinus

It smells very strong anise, my husband says and he is excited
(As always I do not feel any odor, though)

popul-: popular, cottonwood, aspen

Friday, 18 November 2011

Telluride 2011 (6)

It is beautiful in Telluride

Common puffball

Lycoperdon perlatum

I imagined that they shape round
but they are like cupcakes !

lyco-: wolf
perdon-: flatulence
perlat-: widespread, enduring

Thursday, 17 November 2011

Telluride 2011 (5)

Identification Tent
next to Cook Your Own Mushroom Tent

This is one of my most favorite event in Shroomfest
It is useful for someone who do (can) not bring a stove

We can eat the fresh mushrooms just after the forays
and the native experienced mycologists can tell us safe mushrooms

Cook well w/ olive oil

add a pinch of salt


 Shrimp Russula turned more red

おしながき the first day

Hydnum imbricatum
Russula xerampelina
Russula cyanothanxa
Pleurotus populinus

おしながき the second day

Agaricus amicosus
Lactarius deliciosus
Boletus edulis

Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Telluride 2011 (4)

There are fewer mushrooms in Shroomfest 31 than in the last year

The soil is dried
 We need more rain

It is a kind of pity, but we are able to focus on each mushrooms carefully
(that is good!)

Actually we had to step on them (sadness!) for walking through the forest in the last year
 because there were myriad mushrooms

We find Russula xerampelina! Yes!

Generally, it is hard to identify Russula sp.
 so that we did not take an attention to them in the last year

Later we learned that the special fantastic edible Russula is in Telluride
, called Shrimp Russula
(widely distributed; quite common in northern temperate zones)

 Smells Shrimp!

When we pick it up, it does not smell so much especially in young one
one hour later, it gets smelling strong

The cap colour is variable, most commonly purple to wine-red

 also edible to wild creatures

Shrimp Russulaのお花畑 (変な表現ですが)

Gary said that he was invited dinner, Pasta with Russula xerampelina
 - it is like a gorgeous seafood pasta

The stalk is white with just a tinge of pink

xerampelin-: colored like a dry vine leaf

Monday, 14 November 2011

Telluride 2011 (3)

Series of Russulas are found

Russula cyanoxantha

greenish gray

rusty brown on top
The cap color is so different than when I saw last time 

white close gills

from my memo -
Gary told that the gills are characteristic: not forking, or forking occasionally

forky gills can be seen
in only cyanoxantha

This memo is the best memory in the foray

Friday, 11 November 2011

Telluride 2011 (2)

This is my fav picture by Shigeo Otake

by MOOKきのこ

I want to prepare our parade costume like these

by 日本のきのこ


kniting kniting

It is surprising that Dictyophora indusiata can finish knitting the lace within a few hours

shopping knitting

done !

Best Costume Award

(this photo was taken by Gary :)

Thursday, 10 November 2011

Telluride 2011 (1)

今年もやって参りました Telluride ! Aug 18-21, 2011

I joined the foray with Gary - heavenly fun as always!
But a few chance to ask him because of so many people who also want to ask him

Hypsizygus tessellatus on the tree

smell very good !
eccentric stems

known as choice edible though