Tuesday, 3 January 2012

MMHC Fungus Fest (8)

We parked our car aside 

Huge fairy rings with white mushrooms everywhere  !

The shape is quite similar
as blewit - pure white blewit

The couple who gave me a rideshare tried to pick all of them
even we did not know the edibility at that time ...
They looked very very fun to do, so that I could not stop them ......
It was the first time for them to come mushroom foray, they said .........

線路は続くよどこまでも な気分

I've been working on the railroad
All the live long day

Monday, 2 January 2012

MMHC Fungus Fest (7)

Coral ? Is Pg under the sea ??


Ramaria sp.

could be Ramaria fennica (bitter coral mushroom)

I should have tasted it

to know whether it is bitter or not

"The official Ramaria fennica is a European species that grows under conifers and features olive yellow upper branches; Ramaria fumigata is an eastern North American species that grows under hardwoods and features branches that are purplish overall (before the spores mature)" by MushroomExpert.com

ram-: branch
fenn-: Finland

Sunday, 1 January 2012

MMHC Fungus Fest (6)

Happy new year !

It is bigger than Pg !
Phil showed us this cluster of Grifola frondosa (Hen of the Woods)
He also cooked Hen of the Woods delicious full-of-umami soup which were served at the pot-luck

lavender gray when young, becoming dirty whitish to yellowish
with 2-4 angular pores per mm; tubes to 5 mm deep

more description in Mushroomexpert.com

my new year's mushroom resolution 2012, in random order
would like to foray w/ David Arora, get his sign on our MD and take pictures w/ Pg
would like to foray w/ Noah Siegel
mushroom banquet
visit various mushroom societies in US, get a T-shirt
find giant puffballs hopefully bigger than Pg, take pictures, cook and taste
teach Pg to find truffle

grifola: braided fungus
frond-: leaf, frond