Thursday, 30 June 2011

San Bernardino Mountains (8)

Aleuria aurantia ? or Caloscypha fulgens ??

on the ground

little bit dried up

can not tell greenish stains or not, cleary

Tiny tiny orange peel fungus are for まけまけいっぱい

Wednesday, 29 June 2011

San Bernardino Mountains (7)

Sarcosphaera crassa
(crown fungus)

amethyst inside

w/ orange lip

like gemstones!

They are little bit different than ones in the strawberry peak (?)

This small meatball is so cute

Tuesday, 28 June 2011

San Bernardino Mountains (6)



There are lots of huge bumps around the tree

Amanita calptroderma (calyptrata)

Spring time

known as edible and popular

Cross section of young specimen looks like bamboo root

Saute with butter

I prefer velosa than coccora based on the taste and the color

Saturday, 25 June 2011

San Bernardino Mountains (5)

Gyromitra gigas (montana) -california mountain snowmelt false morel

edible, they say, in SoCal

However ,there are some reports that people were poisoned by them recently

The active component is gyromitrin which cause liver damage

Also gyromitrin is known as carcinogen, present in several members of the fungal genus Gyromitra, most notably the false morel G. esculenta

boiled em well and put em in Ramen

actually, gyromitra tastes way better than morel

Thursday, 23 June 2011

San Bernardino Mountains (4)

nom nom nom

we found fourty one morels in total

Morel-morel Ma-po Dou-fu

Mori-nu tofu is very good

boil morels aside

cook together

本日開店 NITA軒


Tuesday, 21 June 2011

San Bernardino Mountains (3)

In the kitchen

donated morels

were transformed to creamy morel-morel sauce w/chicken

and w/ baked potato!


Next morning, spinach morel-morel-morel omelette

Wonderful camping!  Thank you so much our great cheff Emily!

Wednesday, 8 June 2011

San Bernardino Mountains (2)

Camping with members from LA and SD - it is very very fun

During the stay
we think about
only mushrooms

You can escape from reality!!!

First of all, it takes time to become 'morel eyes'

Pine cones look so similar to me


should have left these tiny ones on the soil - small ones are not so tasty anyway

This guy is huge and handsome

You can invite these two ladies to your dinner

We found 41 morels in total